We work with you to develop a robust human rights strategy that aligns with corporate sustainability regulations and international standards.
Gap Analysis
Gap Analysis
Gain an overview of any gaps between your human rights management practices and legal requirements and international standards, such as:
EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)
EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
German Supply Chain Act (LkSG)
Modern slavery laws
UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct
ILO Conventions
Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis
Receive a structured analysis and prioritization of your key human rights risks – both in your own operations and throughout your entire value chain.
Our risk analyses build on your existing activities and can be conducted as regular, ad hoc, abstract or concrete assessments. They provide you with a structured process that gives you a solid foundation for future human rights risk analyses.
Learn more about our new generation human rights risk assessments here.
Action Plans and Roadmaps
Action Plans and Roadmaps
Receive tailored strategies and recommendations for effectively addressing your human rights risks and closing gaps in your risk management processes.
You will get expert input on appropriate actions, a roadmap with a timeline for the effective implementation of the recommended actions as well as an overall proactive human rights risk management approach.
Human Rights Governance
Human Rights Governance
Receive expert guidance on how best to set up the implementation, reporting and documentation of human rights risk management in your organization.
To ensure alignment and ownership, the suggested governance structure will be developed with all relevant internal stakeholders, and will define all key human rights-related roles, responsibilities and reporting lines.